"The story I am writing exists, written in absolutely perfect fashion, some place, in the air.
All I must do is find it, and copy it."
-Jules Renard (French writer 1864-1910)
The blogosphere is air...in a sense. And it was there that I found this post. Written in absolutely perfect fashion, it must adorn Clutterquake space with its wisdom and sparkling wit, I thought. Clutterquakers would love to follow Dr. J in his latest move, I thought. I thought I'd ask him if I could reprint his post, and I thought he'd say yes. I thought correctly.
So here, in its entirety, is part one of Moving. Well, all except for the byline that I added with links to the original post and then to the main blog. Since you'll undoubtedly want to read what follows, here are links to part two and part three. (Thanks, Dr. J.)

Moving, part one
-by Dr. Jay SW, author of stupendous blog titled Yoga for Cynics
...I’m moving...not far, just a few blocks, a bit deeper into West Mt. Airy, State of Heavily Caffeinated Sadhana, USA....nonetheless, it causes me a lot of anxiety...not that there’s really that much to do...just packing crap up...dealing with the fact that Comcast cut off my internet service five days early, so that I have to go to the pizza place around the corner to get on-line....no, despite what you may have heard, the blogger’s life is not always glamorous....getting the new place ready and gradually lugging stuff over, then renting a truck for the bigger things, then cleaning up the old place....shouldn’t be too much work...I don’t own that much...certainly a lot less than most people I know, particularly those anywhere near my age...though, actually, I’d like to own less...or, at least, to feel like there’s less that owns me...
...everything you gather is just more than you can lose...
Robert Hunter
...I’m feeling the need to let go of a lot of stuff...much of which doesn’t require a moving van...and requires more than a toss into a dumpster to really be rid of....though I’ve got ideas, my brain's been feeling all gummed up...stuck...weighed down by seemingly endless clutter....wouldn’t even be making this move if a friend hadn’t talked me into checking out the new place...owned by his soon to be mother-in-law...and, even then, only if it was still available once my lease was up...
...even some recent posts here have felt rather obligatory...from my perspective, at least...as if the energy’s shifted somewhat from got this amazing stuff I gotta share with the world toward shit, it’s been three days since the last post, time to crank another one out....then, without a doubt my worst discovery as a blogger has been that of the omnipresent stat counter...carrying with it the poisonous idea that a thousand unique visitors—most of them winding up here thanks to misleading google searches and leaving quickly once they find there are no mp3’s of Dylan and Lou Reed songs I’m always quoting, or instructional diagrams for eka pada kapotasana or supta baddha konasana—are somehow more important than a handful who’ve actually connected in some meaningful way with something or other written here...and, apparently, based on comments, there've been a couple of those...so, fuck numbers...better to write from the heart, or else write nothing...
...my point is to make a move that involves doors opening to more than just a different couple of physical rooms...to go from stagnation to clear flowing vitality...to slip gently out of old patterns, let go of used-up perspectives, old thoughts and feelings that might’ve been useful once but now would best be left in the dumpster with all that styrofoam crap from all those boxes I’ve been digging out to pack up my books...
...though that, of course, is easier said than done...
*quote by Dr. J from post above
I know well what it is like to pack up to move to another place. We've been in our house here the longest we've been anywhere in our 26-year marriage.
We've been here 9 years come this July 4th.
I'm not sure I would ever want to move again.
Wow...that dude's brilliant....
@Beth- We've lived in our house the longest we've lived anywhere in our marriage, or for that matter as singles. Ten years. No, I do not want to go through a move in the near future - not one little bit. :)
@Somebodywhoisn'tYogaforCynicsorDrJay...really- You got that right. The guy's brilliant. But so are you, who has even figured out how to link your astute compliment here to the real YogaforCynics blog, aka Dr. Jay. ;)
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